Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Equity Trader Alert #2013 - 11
Real-Time Market Maker Position Report Available Effective February 26, 2013

Markets Impacted:

Contact Information:

What you need to know:

  • The Real-Time Market Maker Position Report will provide a list of all registered positions in NASDAQ- and other exchange-listed securities for a specific MPID.
  • This new report will be available on Report Center effective Tuesday, February 26, 2013.

What is a Real-Time Market Maker Position Report?

As announced in ETU 2012 #32, The NASDAQ Stock Market® (NASDAQ®) is discontinuing the Automatic Quote Refresh (AQR) feature as of February 25, 2013. In response to client feedback, NASDAQ OMX® has created a new Real-Time Market Maker Position Report that will provide a solution for tracking market maker positions and quotes.

The Real-Time Market Maker Position Report, available via Report Center, will provide a list of all registered positions in NASDAQ and other exchange-listed securities for a specific MPID.

Column Heading Definition
Report Date The report date requested.
Time The time the report was ordered and the markets registered at that time.
MPID Market Participant ID - the Market Participant registered in the Issue. For Market Participant Names, users can perform a query on the Symbol Directory using the given MPID.
Symbol The identifier representing the security in which a market participant has a position.
Security Name The company name for the security and type of issue.

The state of the market participant's registration position within the issue.

Allowed Values:

  • Open - The market participant is actively quoting or entering orders in the issue.
  • Excused Withdrawn - The market participant has requested to be removed temporarily from the issue for special circumstances, such as a religious holiday, compliance requirement, system failure, etc. Also, ECN's assume this state when they do not have size at the inside.
  • Withdrawn - Market participant no longer wishes to make a market in the particular security, at least for a period of time and has self-withdrawn from the quoting of the security.
  • Closed

What file formats will be available for the report?

The report will be available in the following formats:

  • .CSV Comma Separated Value
  • .TXT File Extension

What access options are available for the report?

Firms can access the report on an ad hoc basis or daily download via secure FTP.

  • Ad hoc reports are available by logging into Report Center and requesting the report via the Price & Quote section. The ad hoc report will be pulled real-time to provide the registered positions at the time the report is requested.
  • Daily Download via Secure FTP allows firms the ability to set-up a daily download of the report.

How do I subscribe?

New customers can subscribe to Report Center via the Report Center Request Form.

What if I am a current Report Center subscriber?

Subscribers will have automatic access to the report once available.

Where can I find additional information?

Email Alert Subscriptions:
Nasdaq offers customers the ability to self select news delivery across various Nasdaq markets. Create and maintain a profile for updating alert preferences and contact information. Visit the enrollment form on the Nasdaq Trader website and sign up today! Please note that if you choose to unsubscribe from an email list, you may no longer receive potentially critical emails from the NASDAQ Stock Market regarding Nasdaq's trading and data products, regulatory issues or marketplace initiatives. To unsubscribe, also click on the enrollment form

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