Friday, March 21, 2025

Financial Products News #2025 - 11
Nasdaq Announces Launch of Indexes in the NASDAQ Global Index Family Effective Monday, March 24, 2025

Markets Impacted:

  • All Markets

Data Feeds Impacted:

  • Nasdaq Global Index Data Service (GIDS)
  • Nasdaq Global Index Watch (GIW)
  • Nasdaq Global Index FlexFile Delivery (GIFFD)

Contact Information:

  • Nasdaq Global Indexes at the toll free number +1 844 717 0708 (for US Callers) or +1 301 978 8311 (for International Callers)

What you need to know:

Effective Monday, March 24, 2025, Nasdaq began disseminating 15 additional indexes, as a result of its semi-annual evaluation of the NASDAQ Global Index Family ℠ on the Nasdaq Global Index Data Service ℠ (GIDS).

A complete list of the new NASDAQ Global Indexes is available on the Nasdaq Global Index Watch (GIW) website.

What is the NASDAQ Global Index family?

The comprehensive NASDAQ Global Index Family covers international securities segmented by geography, sector, and size. The Nasdaq transparent and rules-based selection method results in a complete representation of the global investable equity marketplace. The indexes facilitate a multitude of tracking, trading, and investing opportunities for 45 countries within Developed and Emerging Markets.


The NASDAQ Global Index (NQGI) benchmark provides the broadest exposure for more than 98% of investable large-, mid-, and small-cap securities. The family is further broken down across segments, regions, countries, sectors, and capitalization size. Our free float-adjusted, market cap-weighted methodology utilizes ICB classifications-resulting in indexes calculated as Price Return, Total Return, and Net Total Return.

How many new indexes will launch?

As explained in the index methodology, the NASDAQ Global Indexes are evaluated semi-annually in March and September. Following the initial evaluation upon launch of the Global Index family, any indexes that contained less than five Index Securities were not launched. After the September evaluation of the index family, 15 additional indexes have met the index methodology requirements and were launched on Monday, March 24, 2025.

How are the indexes disseminated?

Effective Monday, March 24, 2025, data recipients received real-time index information from the proprietary GIDS data feed. A complete list of the new NASDAQ Global Indexes is available on GIW.

In addition to the real-time tick messages, Nasdaq supports the following directory messages on GIDS:

  • Equities Summary (Message Type F): Disseminated at the end of the U.S. and European trading session to relay the summary of the current trading day's activity for an equity index.
  • Index Directory (Message Type R): Disseminated at the start of each day to relay basic index information.

Will the components and weightings data be made available?

Yes. For access and more information on the Indexes on the Nasdaq Global Index Watch (GIW) and the Nasdaq Global Index FlexFile Delivery (GIFFD), please contact Nasdaq Index Data Sales.

Where can I find additional data?

For questions about Nasdaq index products, please contact Nasdaq Global Indexes at the toll free number +1 844 717 0708 (for US Callers) or +1 301 978 8311 (for International Callers) or visit GIW.

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