Monday, October 16, 2006

Equity Technical Update #2006 - 29
Trade Reporting Programming Specifications Updated

Please Route To: Head Traders; Technical Contacts

What you need to know:

  • The FIX for Trade Reporting Programming Specification and the CTCI for Trade Reporting Programming Specification have been updated to reflect modifications in support of Regulation NMS and changes to NASDAQ stock symbol system plan. The specifications support trade reporting to systems operated by NASDAQ, including the NASD/NASDAQ Trade Reporting Facility (for NASDAQ-listed securities) and the trade reporting service of NASDAQ’s ITS/CAES System (for non-NASDAQ listed securities).

Whom you should contact:

What changes is NASDAQ making to the specifications and which initiatives do they support?
NASDAQ® has updated the FIX for Trade Reporting Programming Specification and the CTCI for Trade Reporting Programming Specification in support of Regulation NMS:
  • Introduction of new Reg NMS input and output messages for ACT:

Message Type Message
Input Reg NMS MM Trade Entry
Input Reg NMS No/Was
Output Reg NMS TTNW
Output Reg NMS TTUD

  • Changes to the new messages:
    • Trade Modifier fields expanded to allow up to four characters in order to accommodate Reg NMS-compliant trade modifiers and ordering for dissemination
    • Trade Modifier convention of multiple characters per modifier standard changes to single characters per modifier on input
    • Addition of a one-character Trade Through Exempt field
    • Breakout of the Seller’s Option value from the Trade Modifier field to its own two-character field
    • Expansion of the Filler field to seven characters

In addition, as announced in Head Trader Alert #2006-144, NASDAQ plans to change its stock symbol system, beginning January 31, 2007. In support of this initiative, the specifications have been updated to reflect:

  • The one-character Security Class field becoming mandatory
  • Expansion of the Symbol field to 14 characters

Where can I see all of the changes to the FIX for Trade Reporting specification?
The full log of changes can be obtained at:

Where can I see all of the changes to the CTCI for Trade Reporting specification?
The full log of changes can be obtained at:

What do I need to do?
Whom can I contact for additional information?

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